Gostovanje v oblaku
Hitrejše nalaganje, neskončna razširljivost in odlična stabilnost! Naša vrhunska platforma vam nudi vse prednosti gostovanja v oblaku z enostavno uporabo!
  • Dvakrat hitrejše
  • Raste z vašim prometom
Že od 8.87 /ME

  Zakaj gostovanje v oblaku?  

Izvedba in zanesljivost naslednje generacije   with   Poenostavljeno upreavljanje

Izredno hiter čas nalaganja

Predpomnenje in globalni CDN skupaj z najboljšo strojno opremo pomeni, da bo vaša spletna stran 2x hitrejša


Neskončna razširljivost

Ni potrebe za selitev, ko vaše potrebe po prenosu podatkov rastejo. Vašo zmogljivost lahko povečate s klikom na gumb - dodajate RAM in CPU brez ponovnega zagona.


cPanel za upravljanje

Kot pri deljenenm gostovanju - upravljajte vaše spletne strani in pripadajoče storitve kot so emaili in poddomene enostavno v cPanel-u.


Vaši podatki - Zaščiteni

Naš vodilni sistem shranjevanja v panogi baziran na Ceph-u shrani vaše spletne strani na 3 različnih napravah za zagotavljanje varnosti


Upravljanje sredstev

Intuitivna nadzorna plošča vam pomaga nadzirati sredstva, ki jih porablja vaša spletna stran in njeno izvedbo. Sredstva lahko kadarkoli po potrebi povečate.


Samodejno odpravljanje napak

Če zaznamo težave s strojno opremo, samodejno preselimo vašo spletno stran na drug strežnik, tako da je vaša stran vedno dosegljiva in ne izgubljate prometa.

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Kaj je gostovanje v oblaku?
Gostovanje v oblaku je zadnja oblika gostovanja, ki je postala zelo popularna v zadnjih letih. Glavni koncept gostovanja v oblaku je "Deli in Vladaj" – sredstva potrebna za delovanje vaše spletne strani so razpršena v gruči strežnikov, ki delujejo skupaj in se imenujejo "oblak". To izredno zmanjšuje možnost nedelovanja v primeru težav s strežnikom.
Kaj je razlika med gostovanjem v oblaku in Deljenim gostovanjem?
When a website is hosted on shared hosting, the website is placed on the same server as many other sites, ranging from a few to hundreds. Typically in this setup, all domains share resources, such as RAM and CPU from the same server. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, offers nearly unlimited ability to handle high traffic spikes. On Cloud, your website is hosted not only on one but on several servers connected to work as one. Your websites don’t depend on only one Server– even if one server is inaccessible, the Data is retrieved and processed by the other available servers with no downtime.
What is SSD, and how is it different from the existing server?
SSD (Solid State Drives) are a form of storage technology. It is a much faster storage than the existing HDD (Hard Disk Drive) storage. Faster storage means your data gets written to and read from your storage faster. This means that your websites will load much faster if they are running on SSD storage.
What is Varnish Cache?
Varnish Cache is a powerful web application accelerator that can speed up a website by up to 1000 percent. Varnish is typically used for content heavy dynamic websites. It is used by high-profile, high-traffic websites including Wikipedia, online newspaper sites such as The New York Times, The Guardian, The Hindu, Corriere della Sera, social media and content sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, and Tumblr. Of the Top 10K sites in the web, around a tenth use this software.
What is the limit for additional CPU and RAM?
Upto 8 GB RAM and 8 cores can be added with any Cloud Hosting Plan.
Is a Dedicated IP available?
Yes, at an additional cost. You can raise a support ticket to get a dedicated IP.
How do I install an SSL certificate on my Website?
To install SSL on your cloud server, you need to get in touch with our support team and we will get it installed for you.
Do you provide any one click install scripts along with Cloud Hosting?
Yes - we provide 'Quick Install' which is accessible from your cPanel. Quick Install allows you to plug and play various scripts like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, shopping carts like Zencart, Magento and various other billing, social networking, support and chat modules.
Is Upgrade/Downgrade possible?
No, an upgrade or downgrade is not possible between the plans. However, you can purchase additional RAM and CPU cores as per your requirement.
What is your backup policy?
You are responsible for your backups and web content. We create our own weekly backups , and can restore your web, email and database content from those per your request. However, this is NOT a procedure you should rely on to keep copies of your content safe; we recommend you make your own backups. You can take a backup from your cPanel or better, use a remote backup solution.
Is there a Money Back Guarantee?
Yes, we do have a 30 day Money Back Guarantee associated with Cloud Hosting.